After one last day of homemade lattes, tea and hugs from mom, I returned back to Penn State on Saturday. It was a long drive by myself but I basically yelled and sang in the car for like 4 hours. I got back to school, unpacked, grocery shopped with JF, and saw my best best best girlfriend KW. It was like the most awesome day! Sunday, SK and I had a work training (for 7.5 long hours). We caught up and discovered some supervisor man candy (as per usual). I cleaned my room which looked like a hurricane and earthquake hit it and prepared for the first day of the semester!
The first and second day of class went swimmingly! I love learning new things and this semester will not disappoint. I am taking a casting and welding class, work design and human factors class, an analytical class, more statistics, a linear programming class and a another modern dance class (can't seem to stay away!). I've been working out a lot, eating crazy healthy and making sure to just start the semester taking care of me. Mind, body and soul. Overall, I'm kinda ecstatic to see what the major classes teach me this semester and learn from what my professors and instructors :) I'M ALSO SUPER EXCITED FOR THON! I will have to blog more about my adventures in these classes,THON and healthy living because I'm pretty sure I'll be learning more real world examples this semester :)?