Half of a Weekend

Half of a Weekend

This weekend, Lili had a friend up here from school. We met up with him near MIT and walked over to the T stop to get to Harvard Square. On the way there, we stopped at Tatte for breakfast. It was delicious! I got a cappuccino and a croissant. I love to dip the bread in the coffee. Yum.

After a snack, we hopped on the T and ventured to Harvard. Holy Moly, it is gorgeous over there. The churches and the streets and all of that history is just beautiful. I could not stop taking pictures.

After walking through Harvard, we wanted to see what Harvard students do when they aren't studying. We went to all the book stores in the area and the world's only Curious George store. 

Then we walked all the way to MIT and talked about life, liberty and the pursuit of an engineering degree. MIT is a magical place. It's a little rough looking in some areas but so beautiful. My favorite statue had to be this man made of mathematical symbols. It was so symbolic of life, math being a societal construct to explain nature. 

Then we went over the Charles River and had so much fun feeling the breeze and watching the sail boats. 

After this, we went to out favorite place, Newbury Street! We ended up trying L.A. Burdick Chocolate and it was delicious. I got all caramels including a a salted cardamom caramel that I really enjoyed. 

I dipped into Anthro as Lili's friend went to buy a USA jersey. I got the cutest teacup for espresso. We went back to Harvard and enjoyed our time together. I had to get back earlier because I had to work Sunday but Lili and her friend went out for the night. From all the texts I got, I'm sure they had a great time. 

Sunday was a lazy day for me. I got up, made strong coffee in my teacup and read. Ate some fruit and a little cereal for a light breakfast. 

I went to Target to get some black wedges for an outfit I want to wear to a baby shower. I found the most adorable thin strapped micro wedge heels. They were a steal for $22. I also got coconut Lacroix and Hello Kitty Old Maid for the fourth. I worked 6 hours at my internship and got a ton done. I headed home and got rested up for a big week of working on my intern project. I'm loving the planning and early execution stages. Wish me luck?! I'm only working until noon on the 3rd of July! I am so excited for that.