Providence, Baby Showers and the MFA

Providence, Baby Showers and the MFA

This weekend was probably my favorite weekend so far being in Boston. It had all the elements that I needed to be a very happy girl! My mom and sister were in Providence, RI for some college stuff so I went down there Thursday night to see them! I was so excited because I have not seen them in person since I left for Boston in June. I arrived in Providence after a short drive around 7pm. 

Mom and I went to the Melting Pot for dinner because it was Restaurant Week in Providence. We have one near our house but never go because it's out of the way and expensive for a family of 4.  We had a blast boiling our dinner and catching up in person. My mom is the realest person - meaning that she knows me so well and she has so much life experience that I trust her with all the little things in my life. It's the nicest feeling to be able to truly talk about anything with someone and not worry if they are judging you or will repeat it. LOVE YOU MOMMA!
Chocolate Course!
Moscato Mule - a fun take on the Moscow Mule
After a nice night, we went back to the hotel and conked out! Mom had to be up for some things with Jordan so I went to explore Providence until they came back. I'm kinda of obsessed with this scalloped sweater with J Crew and I finally had a reason to wear it. It just started the day off so great!
Providence is a beautiful little city. I was not expecting to see such great architecture and all of the little things that make cities so pretty to me! 

While walking, I ended up finding this little library - the Providence Atheneum. It's got the cutest little busts of authors, desks, second edition books and an adorable feel. I told my sister about it so she can go there to study and escape the craziness of her campus in the fall. 
In the vicinity of the atheneum, the RISD museum was hiding. I went in and spent the afternoon exploring art from all over the world and some modern art installations that stole my breath. This buddha is huge! It's in such great condition as well. I was not expecting to find such a great piece at the RISD museum. 
This gorgeous glass piece was in the stairwell on the top level. I believe it is a Chihuly and it was so gorgeous. The tendrils each had very fine details and all of them together produced such a medusa like effect. I always wonder how people see this in their mind and make it happen. I really want to find an interview or something to see how the artist wanted this piece to come to life. 
THEY ALSO HAD A DEGAS STATUE. Holy nuts. I love Degas almost as much as I love Dali so this was a pleasant surprise to find. His Dancers are such treasures and he captures the spirit of the dancer in the poses he picked. This made me so giddy!
After the museum, I found a little street sale of art supplies near RISD. It was the bomb and I got a ton of stuff to make things for my apartment and birthday cards. I went back to the hotel because my mom was back with my sister. She was sleepy so Mom and I took a quick walk/coffee break while she napped. 
We went to Fire and Ice for dinner. I had never been to this chain of restaurants but I loved it! I got mostly shrimp stir fry and it was so fun to pick everything that went into the dish I wanted. The only thing I did not like is how the grillmaster used the same tongs on everyone's food. Other than that, I was so satisfied with the quality of the food we got there! I must go back when visiting my sister.  
I went back to Massachusetts on Saturday and spent most of the day sleeping and reading. I also had a ton of NSBE stuff to do. I had a baby shower for a coworker Saturday night and we got there so early. Apparently, Cape Verdean parties start really really late but the food was so good! They also made the centerpieces little bow tie onesies because the coworker is having twin boys! So cute!
As per usual, Lili was there. Some of my coworkers were there too! It's so different to see them without hairnets and with makeup. We are a cute looking bunch!
Sunday, I ventured to the MFA. It was great! I could not believe how big it was. I have to go back next Saturday to finish because it was too much stuff to see in one day. 
First, I went to the Quilts and Colors exhibit. These quilts will blow your mind. The use of color, pattern, shape, contrast, optical illusion and space will make you crazy. The women who sewed these quilts deserve several badges of honor for their work. It's crazy how much time and effort goes into these things - months and months of small stitches to produce these gorgeous quilts. I put pictures of the ones that I loved the most below. 

After the quilts and some of the Art of the Ancient World, I had to stop for a cappuccino and a little reflection time. I love to take my time and just write whenever I am in a museum. Something about the atmosphere there gets my creative juices flowing. 
After the snack, I went through all the Contemporary Art and a little of the Modern Art of the Americas. 

Then, I went through Art of Europe and found all my favorite things!  There was a brushstroke pointillist painting and another Degas! WHAT A GREAT DAY!

One of the last rooms I went into for the day was a reproduction of a period home with the original pieces from Oak Hill. I really enjoy seeing how people lived day to day in any time period. The room below was the living room and all of the furniture is original. It was so interesting to see what this family used everyday to live their lives - what pieces were integral to their day and what they chose to buy for the family.
After the museum, I went over to Northeastern to grab some lunch. I then had a kickboxing class with a friend from high school! It kicked my butt but I needed that workout inspiration to get back into really working hard during my runs. It's gonna be super sore legs week for me! I can't wait to get back to work and finish strong with my project. I also can't wait to get back to the MFA and also go to Cape Cod!