Christmas and Family Time Favorite Pictures

Christmas and Family Time Favorite Pictures

I really love the holidays for the fact that I get to spend so much time with my family. They are so funny and loving and fun to be around and being that I am moving mid year next year to a place like a flight away, I am trying to get in as much time as possible with them. I've been snapping little pictures here and there of all of our fun and wanted to share. Enjoy! 

Our tree this year was a little rushed. 
Dad put up our fake tree but it had no ornaments until Christmas Eve. 
We went with mostly green and red ornaments and I hid some pink ones in the back :) 
 The high heeled boot ornament is from my best friend/twin BM 
and I am so excited to see her tomorrow for brunch! 

Aunt A of my Irish family has a Christmas Eve birthday 
and hosted her annual party where we took this photo! 
My dad was at work but he was so salty about this picture 
because he was not included (hahahahaha I love to bother my dad) 

The Irish family can cook! 
Eggplant Parmesan, Baked Ziti, Broccoli and a Rice Ball! YUM!
Everything here contained cheese and love. 

They even had these awesome glasses! 
KM has a lot of Christmas spirit 
and these glasses were the most tacky awesome things I've seen!

Christmas morning was great! 
I only wanted one thing and Santa got it for me!  
I got a Fitbit Flex and I love it so much! Thank you!!! 

We went to visit my grandpa and my favorite two girls were there! 
We played cards and made bracelets. 
They are coming over on New Years Eve to sleep over and I am so EXCITED! 

One night for dinner, mom and I shared some sparkling Moscato with Strawberry. 
It was so good and very light for anyone interested. 

On December 27, Penn State was in the Pinstripe Bowl so we had a small party.
Still in shock that we won but I was so happy! Shocked though.

Being that I am usually a game day dress kind of girl, I put this combo on and loved it.
M got the message and wore her dress too! 
My mom says we are the same person at different stages in life. 
Or that I should be her kid because we are way too alike. 

Every Sunday, we go into Brooklyn to see my Grandfather. 
He is so funny unintentionally and very quiet about a lot of things.
He's 74 and still kicking and I really cherish the time I spend with him.
On the way there and back, the view of the Verrazano is great.
I snapped this picture that doesn't do it justice but I love seeing bridges lit up at night!