My College Style Evolution

My College Style Evolution

As I am graduating this week, I am overwhelmed with thoughts. It's been an long 4 years and I can't believe this chapter in my life is so close to ending. Though bigger and better things are coming, something on my mind has been how much I have changed since my senior year in high school. For today, I wanted to focus on how much college has evolved my style. My style and what I wear is a huge part of me - I feel that way because I love fashion and dress the way that I feel most of the time.  I know I have changed a lot but yet I still have a lot of the same style ideals.

The above picture is from my senior year of high school. I had a serious love for cardigans, matching bows for everything and low cut shirts because high school... (#iwasbasic) I really loved light wash jeans (WHO WAS I) and converse sneakers (I still love those).  I was obsessed with anything from American Eagle or Forever 21 - something cheap, cute and I could match to my hair bows. One thing that as a senior I still do from high school is that I pull color from patterns and try to make outfits around one object - I can say that that ideal was a good one to have - go me!

Freshman year and into my sophomore year, I still had the love of bows and matching. This time it was converse, the cardigan and the t-shirt. #SWAGGGG I really started to like work clothes at this point after my first internship and started my process to growing out my natural hair. I'm still currently growing it but that is another post in itself. I really absorbed some of the style of Penn State - wearing athletic shorts when not in the gym, North Face when it is cold and my love for leggings. 

I started to mature more in my junior year and out were the bows as much as possible and in was anything sparkly, had buttons or something unique about it. I really got into statement jewelry and wearing my hair in braids. I still love love love statement jewelry and wearing my hair in braids so those were some good choices. Bad choices made include still wearing bandage skirts, wearing tiny clothes in the cold for parties and learning to deal with having a weave (#struggle).

This was taken in the first week of my senior year  - this is when I feel like I had the most style change. A summer in Massachusetts and absorbing the style of bloggers I love and people I admire got me to a point where I know what I like and what makes me feel comfortable.  I've figured out what my style formula is and that really made my life easier. I love neutral clothing - white, cream, navy, black, olive or dark colored things matched with one bright or interesting accessory like a scarf, earrings and now lipstick - something I would have never worn back in the day. I really like things that are draped on the top with tight bottoms or a skirt or dress. I love things that are sparkly and have bows but I do not wear them in my hair anymore unless it is a high bun with a big bow in the back. I love a good nail to match my outfits for the week and pointed flats or mini wedges are my best friends. I dress up for everything - groceries to meetings to even just studying on a Saturday. Feeling my best to me means that I look ready for the part - you never know who you will run into!

Overall, I grew up in the past 4 years and my style really reflects that. I used to go for showy clothing and very tight tight jeans but I realize that modest is the hottest. A collarbone, an ankle or even an ear can be something sexy - not everything is about the legs, the boobs or the butt. I really take pride in wearing my hair natural - something  that I am sure that I would have never done without finding pride in myself and meeting women who really changed my perception of beauty. It's crazy to look at all these pictures and see what I have become - a young woman who is about to start a new full time job adventure and has a renewed passion for learning, fashion and fitness.