May Favorite Foods

May Favorite Foods

May was a month filled with a lot of travel for fun and work. I had a blast while seeing my friends but I had to really be good about eating healthy when I was home. Here are some of my favorite things to do just that and some foods that I could just not resist.

Kale Blazer: When I say that this juice is one of my favorite green juices I mean it! It is kinda well very vegetable tasting but I really like it to fill me up between meetings that I cannot eat in at work.

Green Devotion: This juice is also pretty green but I love how fresh it tastes. I could drink one of these everyday and at less than 75 calories for the bottle, you can afford to drink one too!

Gose: This beer is so light and lemony - I drank two in no time! It also has a low alcohol percentage which means that it would not get you too drunk and the calories are relatively low. I got this in a sampler pack but I am hoping to find a 6 pack of this beer somewhere in my travels.

Chimney Cakes: This was a surprise to find at the Food Truck Festival in NJ but let me tell you it was worth every calorie.