Nerdy Inspiration: Nanoscale Flower Garden

Nerdy Inspiration: Nanoscale Flower Garden

While reading one of my favorite websites, I came across this article and immediately thought of outfits based off of the images.  Wim Noorduin, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, has created nanoscale flower gardens that are breath-taking! The above picture totally blew my mind in the creativity and shapes of the of these flowers. 

Nerdy Inspiration Nanoscale Gardens C

Nerdy Inspiration Nanoscale Flower Garden
The flower gardens inspired me to use floral print in a big way because the flowers are so interesting. I really liked the play of colors in these images. To me, flowers are gorgeous because the color, shape and swirls of flowers create beauty. In the casual outfit, the use of the flower print skirt and its colors beings together a cohesive look. The formal outfit uses two bright colors, one as a neutral due to it's distance across the color wheel to create a fun formal outfit.