Every time that my overwhelming schedule gets me down, I think about how much fun I will have in my full time job and how much fun all of the engineers I have met love their profession. Career Week was last week on campus and talking to the recruiters made me remember how much I love being an engineer. It was a perfectly placed interlude. Almost four weeks into the semester right before when most people hit their first set of midterms, career week reminds me that there is a bright future for me in the world. I can do so much with my industrial engineering degree and help to improve processes that can change the world. Everything can be optimized to some degree and small changes over time can lead to a huge impact. This fall is a huge semester for me, starting my major classes and really getting into leadership on campus. It's important to keep myself motivated when I have big plans in my future.
This Sunday was the First Day of Fall! A time for new harvests and a celebration of what hard work can provide for the people of this earth. I read this quote and it struck me very poignantly. So much so that I made a little instagram graphic post about it to encourage my fellow friends in the same boat as me. Everything we do has a purpose and we need to remember that even when the activity or something not fun is on your to-do list for the week.
Have a happy Monday!