Inspired: 101 in 1001 Days

Inspired: 101 in 1001 Days

One of my all time favorite blogs to read is Design Darling (Mackenzie Horan). Her style is simple but very classy. I really love how she pairs simple pieces into something fantastic. Her dog is adorable and fluffy. She also lives and works in NYC on her online boutique. How awesome?! She made this list of 101 things to do in 1001 days and I love the idea! We all set high goals for our lives. Why not make yourself accountable for things you have always wanted to do? It's around 2.75 years to complete 101 tasks. I may not finish; Mackenzie didn't finish her whole list but the ideas are there. I was really inspired that I wrote my own list and I'm gonna share it pretty soon so that everyone can hold me accountable for it. My plan is to start it this upcoming new year; maybe you might want to write one as well?