Career Week - A Day in the Life

Career Week - A Day in the Life

Career week on campus is always a rough one. Our teachers are very lenient about missing class or homework but they really expect us to get connections and land jobs. I am fortunate enough to have a job offer already but I am making sure it's the right choice by seeing what else is out there for me. As an added stressor, I am president of my chapter of NSBE and have a lot of companies who want to speak to me about conferences and ways to interact with our organization. It's been a hectic week.

I wanted to give you a snapshot of my day and tips to make your career day/week managable. 

8 am | Wake up for class and try to figure out something to wear all day. Ended up in dark skinny jeans, a black button up, a cardigan and pointy toe flats. Pack a pencil skirt to wear with my outfit in case I need to wear something business causal rather than smart casual. 

9 am | Class is cancelled and I forgot so I snuck in some homework in the computer lab.talked to the MEP program coordinators. Mailed some letters to old friends and headed to a meeting with a company. 

10 am | Coffee with a company that yielded great program ideas for my membership! So excited to work on that. 

11 am | Paris class where I quickly snuck in the reading before class started. Love to learn in this class but the readings kill me. 

12 pm | Working my on campus job. I usually do my homework and handle my president emails.

2:30 pm | Went to my stochastic processes class and had a great time - love that professor.

5 pm | There is a NSBE meeting so I had to pick up the drinks and set up the Powerpoint because my VP has class on Wednesday.

6 pm | The NSBE Meeting started and it went awesome! I didn't get to leave until 6:55 because of all of the new people I had to meet but it was worth getting new members.

7 pm | I had dinner with a company at the Tavern. I changed into a pencil skirt in the bathroom and jetted over to restaurant.

9:30 pm | Headed home from dinner and did some homework due at midnight.

11:30 pm | Started my research for the career fair and finished editing my resume.

1 am | Headed to bed, after ironing my suit and fixing my hair.

How to Manage

  • Give yourself time to get from place to place. As much as I think I can teleport, it takes about 15 minutes to get all situated and to your destination. 
  • Bring a change of clothes to business casual everywhere. This makes it easy to transfer from class to a career even quickly.
  • Always carry your essential beauty tools like mascara, powder and lipgloss with you. I like to make a good first impression and it sucks when you cannot touch yourself up.
  • Schedule time for yourself. I meditated before I went to bed and it really helps to clear my mind of the stress. 
  • Be kind. The recruiters are just as tired as you and still have work to do as well. I always try to make sure they are feeling alright and happy in Happy Valley. Most people don't care but it is really important to make sure everyone is feeling at their best. 
  • Don't get nervous. They are people too! Plus, being not yourself is like the worst way to start a relationship, even if that relationship is with a company.