Game Day: Penn State vs. Ohio State (THE RIVALRY TO END ALL RIVALRIES)

Game Day: Penn State vs. Ohio State (THE RIVALRY TO END ALL RIVALRIES)

Tee: Penn State Clothing Outlet
Sweater: J. Crew
Jeans: Abercrombie
Shoes: Sperry Topsdier
Wristet: Old Coach

All was good in the Valley on Saturday. It was our first home game in almost a month and the pent up football energy was flowing at Penn State. Ohio State is one of our biggest rivalries in the Big Ten and we always wear white when we play those teams. We have one match like this a year and we call it the Whiteout Game. Everyone wears the best white gear and it is awesome to see how creative people can be with their outfits. One guy made a yeti suit out of the old shakers and it was so awesome! Luckily, the game was a night game - starting at 8 pm so tailgating was an obvious way to spend some of my Saturday after finishing some homework. It was so great to meet parents, eat food and enjoy friend time! I knew it would be cold so I layered a long white shirt with a cream cable knit. It was a good combo to wear and fit with the theme. 

Our stadium was filled at 107, 890 people and it was awesome. The cheers were deafening and it was crazy energy all night. Ohio State fans who came to Penn State for the game said that it was the best college football game experience they had ever had because of the energy. If you can imagine 107k people doing a slow wave through the stadium, you can get an idea of the awesomeness at the game that night.  Being that we are Penn State, we made pom snow with our free shakers. It covered the field and even though it was obnoxious, it looked so cool! Towards the end of the game, my section got to pass the lion and he was GoProing the whole thing. I cannot wait to see that in a football promo video sometime soon! 

Even though we lost in the second overtime to Ohio, the boys played so valiantly and I am so proud of them. Shoutouts to DaeSean Hamilton and Michael Hull who really pulled their weight this game as well as Christian Hackenburg, who got it together at the end of the game. It was my first Whiteout game and last Whiteout game as a student. I will never forget the way the crowd, the game and being in a huge family reunion of Penn Staters at night made me feel.