Finals Week and Christmas: In Photos

Finals Week and Christmas: In Photos

Afternoon Cinnamon Buns with JF and his roomies. NOM NOM NOM.

Christmas Party with my lady NS.

A Quick Healthy Lunch at home before a long afternoon/night on campus.

Look at that smile! It kind of made my morning as I was rushing to class.

Homemade curry with tofu and peas over brown rice was just what I needed.

Snowy State College makes me heart pitter patter.

Product Measurement and Skittles is always a good combination.

Finals Week Lifeblood - Coffee and Meal Replacement Bars. I do not leave the library unless absolutely necessary. 

Christmas Donut Muffins - Recipe up Tomorrow.

Making birthday cards for my sister's nonprofit, Light the Candle, on Christmas Eve. She makes cards for children in group homes. It was so relaxing.