The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Anyone who has watched Gossip Girl knows how they all hung out on the steps of the Met. In all my years of going to NYC, I had never made it to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Since I had a free week for Spring Break, this was the first stop on my trip around the city. It's so classic and beautiful in the front - I cannot imagine how great it looks a sunny summer day! To read more on how to get there, the history, and how to visit - check out this link to the official website! It helped me a lot to get ready for my visit. 

After paying Student Admission, I started by taking a selfie upstairs to send to my friends - they all went tropical gorgeous places but hey - this place is a gorgeous place, too!

Someone spotted me asking a selfie and asked me if I wanted a picture taken of myself. Of course, I said YES! I am wearing a J. Crew blouse, Abercrombie and Fitch Jeans, a new Old Navy reversible tote and some old Target Ballet Flats. It was the perfect outfit for running around the city. In my bag, I tucked my North Face jacket - it was supposed to rain and I wanted to stay dry!


I started out in the Asian Wing. Everything over there is GORGEOUS! From a dancing goddess with the coolest carvings, to a wooden ceiling anyone who loves the #ihaveathingwithcelings hashtag would die over, to asian painted screens and a cool iPad station about 100 demons fable, I loved exploring this area!  I loved this deer in the modern Asian area. It was an actual taxidermic deer covered in glass!

After all that Asian awesomeness, I went into the Egypt area and saw all the cool mummies and they have an actual part of a tomb as a gift from Egypt installed inside. It was so giant and gave me a better perspective on how large the Pyramids could be if this was a small installment. 

I headed over the the American Area - so much stuf! I loved seeing a Frank Lloyd Wright work, Tiffany glass and these great Thomas Hart Benton murals! They were so vibrant and were about America as whole. A must see if you get there anything soon!

I ended in the European area. I could not believe how intricate this gate was in the section. There were so many arch and twists in the metal. On the way out, I stopped at the Madame Cezanne exhibit. It was really interesting to see someone's muse through out the years and in so many different mediums.