Today, I took the Four Sigmatic Mushroom Academy course and I had to share it on my blog. As a pretty healthy eater, I love to research anything that can make my body happier and function better. I've already taken the probiotics train very seriously but after seeing a ton of my favorite instagrammers take various mushroom powders daily, I was curious about how mushrooms work better than some drugs. The academy level 1 teaches you about the main 4 mushrooms and the basic science behind them. According to the website, the academy will teach you about 12 mushrooms in total and the more complicated theory behind them when all three levels are completed. I learned a ton in level 1 and I cannot wait for level 2 to come out. I plan to do more in-depth research about mushrooms but this class was a great head start for me and at under an hour, it is super easy and not time consuming. Check it out here.